Wandering Stars — a poem

Ashten Light
1 min readApr 14, 2021

Listen to the lyre’s song

as we rove the gentle waves

of the universe hand-in-hand

Gleaming stars light our pathway

across the asteroids’ backs

Deliver the dire message

to the pearly gates.

The roses avert their thorns

may not scar us in our wandering

Love arises from young hearts

joined in peace til paradise

Lifted on its wings toward

the heaven’s warm embrace

Our journey goes on.

Great courage is with us,

It is inked upon our skins

Our quest is far from over

when we encounter demons

Their claws cannot tear us

My love, we will not falter

for better things await.

Do not fear the lightning

it shall bridge us far along

safely out of reach from

Void’s cruel siren lullaby

Wrap your arms around

my shoulders, keep tight

and together we shall fly.

Reaper’s scythe is out of reach

The constellations fight for us

Bold eternity awaits our zeal

Our voyage across the cosmos

gradually comes to a halt

Our burden is unshackled

Finally, we may rest.



Ashten Light

Writer of novels and poetry, mental health advocate, and psychology student.